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Why Lease When We Can Help You Finance?

Why Lease When We Can Help You Finance?

Purchasing expensive equipment for your business can tie up valuable resources that could be better utilized for day-to-day operations. Fortunately, there are two common alternatives to buying: leasing and financing. Leasing is similar to renting office space, where...
Financing Options for Your Construction Business

Financing Options for Your Construction Business

Starting and running a construction business can be a thrilling and fulfilling endeavor. However, unexpected expenses are inevitable and can pose a challenge for those who didn’t account for future financial needs. At Advance American Funding, we understand the...
Looking to Expand Your Company?

Looking to Expand Your Company?

Are you a business owner looking to grow and expand your company? Do you need financial assistance to achieve your goals? Advance American Funding is here to help you succeed! As a business owner, there are countless reasons why you may need funding. You may need to...